Thursday, May 12, 2011

I woke up to Lars’ alarm this morning.  He rolled over for a few minutes of cuddles, kissed me and crawled out of bed.  I got up just before he walked out the door and asked him to stay.  He came back for one last hug and sent me back to bed.  I was followed by the cats who made it absolutely impossible for me to get back to sleep. 

I didn’t have to set my own alarm, as I don’t have to go back into class until Monday.  After walking out of the classroom absolutely furious yesterday, I had a complaint or two to make to and about the instructor that had been assigned to the Photoshop portion of our course.  I will not be attending any more of his classes.  The school will compensate me with a qualified replacement to teach me whatever I miss at a later date, and they guarantee me he will not teach any future portion of this course – which I expect as he is not qualified to be teaching at all.  They’ve been very good about rectifying a potentially bad, bad situation and as a result I can only say good things about the school in general.  It’s good marketing, for sure!

I work this afternoon but the sun is shining now and I have no obligations whatsoever.  I think I’m going to take my camera outside and take a photograph or two of some of natures’ beautiful textures that I can use in photo manipulation later.  Perhaps I’ll run into town and pick up a few things we need and maybe I’ll come home and take a nap…

It’s going to be a nice lazy day for me.  I think I deserve it.

The Fair is in town.  Lars has asked me to ride the Ferris wheel with him again.  We’ve made it a date for Friday.  I’m really excited about it and I know he is too.  I hope the sun is out!!!

0 words of wisdom:


This is my personal weblog. The thoughts and opinions represented here are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect those of my employers, associates or peers.

I am forever changing and always staying this same; a true living contradiction and as such, my thoughts and opinions change frequently. I may or may not still hold the same opinions noted in out-of-date posts.

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No matter where I am, I'm lost and learning to like it. I'm a living contradiction, and the best lies I tell are the ones I tell myself.
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