Monday, January 2, 2012
I woke with a headache this morning, but it made me realize I didn’t have one yesterday. Yesterday was a break from the month-long hurt I’d be enduring. Getting a good night’s sleep seems to be bigger portion of the problem than I thought.

It occurred to me yesterday as my boss spoke about the upcoming year’s events and how much a part of the plans I still was, she had ignored (or not been totally informed by her daughter) of my resignation.

I’m thinking that’s exactly what I needed.

I don’t want to quit my job. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. I just need to learn to handle the stress better.

She’s not the first person to blatantly ignore me when I’m insisting on things that perhaps aren’t in my best interest. My mother-in-law ignored me when I told her I don’t want more babies. I thought it was ridiculously funny then and now, I see that I was maybe wrong.

0 words of wisdom:


This is my personal weblog. The thoughts and opinions represented here are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect those of my employers, associates or peers.

I am forever changing and always staying this same; a true living contradiction and as such, my thoughts and opinions change frequently. I may or may not still hold the same opinions noted in out-of-date posts.

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No matter where I am, I'm lost and learning to like it. I'm a living contradiction, and the best lies I tell are the ones I tell myself.
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