Arena(known to self and others) caring, confident, intelligent, powerful, warm | Blind Spot(known only to others) able, adaptable, bold, brave, cheerful, clever, complex, energetic, friendly, giving, happy, independent, kind, knowledgeable, loving, mature, searching, self-assertive, sensible, sentimental, spontaneous, sympathetic, trustworthy, wise, witty |
Façade(known only to self) dependable | Unknown(known to nobody) accepting, calm, dignified, extroverted, helpful, idealistic, ingenious, introverted, logical, modest, nervous, observant, organised, patient, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, self-conscious, shy, silly, tense |
All Percentages
able (18%) accepting (0%) adaptable (9%) bold (45%) brave (18%) calm (0%) caring (27%) cheerful (9%) clever (45%) complex (45%) confident (9%) dependable (0%) dignified (0%) energetic (9%) extroverted (0%) friendly (18%) giving (45%) happy (9%) helpful (0%) idealistic (0%) independent (27%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (27%) introverted (0%) kind (18%) knowledgeable (9%) logical (0%) loving (45%) mature (9%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (0%) powerful (9%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (9%) self-assertive (9%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (9%) sentimental (18%) shy (0%) silly (0%) spontaneous (18%) sympathetic (9%) tense (0%) trustworthy (9%) warm (18%) wise (9%) witty (18%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Tainted Female's full data.
I am forever changing and always staying this same; a true living contradiction and as such, my thoughts and opinions change frequently. I may or may not still hold the same opinions noted in out-of-date posts.
By reading my blog, you agree to accept these realities as absolute truth.
- Tainted Female
- No matter where I am, I'm lost and learning to like it. I'm a living contradiction, and the best lies I tell are the ones I tell myself.
My Blog List
Compare and Contrast6 years ago
Hello 2014!10 years ago
40 CONSCIOUS years!11 years ago
Pink Pudding11 years ago
Another year has passed12 years ago
allo allo..13 years ago
See you in Oz?13 years ago
Downtown13 years ago