Saturday, July 12, 2008
I’d rather be with someone who was proud to be Arab than someone who was too ashamed should someone, anyone mistake them for Arab. I have an Arab son, you dumb fuck.

7 words of wisdom:

BuJ said...

ah, nice post!
btw, for the first time I got a warning before entering your blog!!! Google said that some objectionable language is used here, and I had to click saying I agree!

The question is did you put this up or is Google trying to cover it's six?


btw, regarding your post.. on the other end of the stick, there are annoying ppl of more eastern origin that pretend to be arabs.. agggh it annoys me.. man.. stick to your roots..

Tainted Female said...

I think a lot of people in the UAE (in particular) are confused about their roots, or others are confused about them as a person. For the longest time I wore abaya & shayla, and lots and lots of people liked to believe it meant I wanted to be Arab. It wasn't like that at all. It was because I am Muslim and for a long while there, I tried to be a good one - no one saw that.

Oh, and I put the warning up on my blog - not google... :)

BuJ said...

love that warning!!!!!!

good on you.. at the end of the day Allah judges us humans and not other humans :)

Tainted Female said...


And the warning is only fair. I have a but if a temper... lol as if you didn't know that already.

rosh said...

"I think a lot of people in the UAE (in particular) are confused about their roots, or others are confused about them as a person"

True indeed TE. Am a bit of both - so are several friends. If you've spend all growing years away from your roots, at a foreign place, you become a fusion of sorts. I never slot people given physical attributes, especially in today's world. Thought process and perceptions make who you are, you! If you wanna slot at all, slot 'em based on a particular place they grew up.

BuJ: if you mix Orange and Cranberry juice, you shall have something entirely different. It ain't an Orange, it sure ain't a Cranberry - perhaps, an Orangberry :)

BuJ said...

ok dude, u completely lost me! what do u mean?

rosh said...

It's not much Mr BuJ: All am saying is - "roots" is kinda vague these days, especially in a more globalized world. Roots can mean heritage or a place (different from one's heritage) where one grew up. For instance, for people like I, there is so little some of us can identify with roots/veins of our heritage -especially, when it comes to ways of life, thoughts and perceptions. Primarily, experiences and the various energies from a place where one grows up, shapes his/her ways of life. At times, I see that, roots, is as subjective as the "truth" in today's world.

Pardon the vague talk guys...a few things on my mind these days. Could use a shwarmah, cheers me up, always :(


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